Tuesday, August 19, 2014

dplyr: A gamechanger for data manipulation in R

I demonstrate how to use dplyr for data manipulation in R (R code and data on GitHub ). I had heard of the package before and finally gave it a try after attending Hadley Wickham's presentation at useR! in LA a couple of months ago. dplyr will change your life as it relates to data manipulation!


  1. Nice job! I didn't catch if you used the minus sign on a numeric variable or not, but it might only work on numeric. The desc() function would arrange the variable in descending order regardless of variable type (ascending is the default).

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    Keep up the good work!

  2. Great video! I have been using sqldf to do this type of data manipulation but maybe I should switch to dplyr.

    1. Thanks, Paul! Yeah, this is way better than sqldf. How could I forget to mention the joins? Check out ?left_join and you'll never need to use merge() or the sqldf package again.

  3. Great overview of a fantastic package. Love dplyr. And your succinct and super-short explanation belies just what a game changer this is. thanks. well done.

  4. That was great. Appreciate the effort, nice and concise.

  5. Thanks, very nice video.

    I didn't see how, in your example, using dplyr helped with ggplot. However, you could have used the "pipe" operator %>% instead of + (but I'm not sure why it would be "better").

    1. I was trying to make the ggplot work without dplyr, but I wasn't able to do so. One of the main reasons I prefer dplyr is to have the flexibility of storing the summary data in a data frame - after the object has been created, you could make a table, a bar graph, or a line graph to present the data minimal extra work.

  6. Yeah, dplyr has been super hot in the R blogosphere lately! I haven't watched that yet but I'll check it out - looks very in depth.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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